A late-summer word of encouragement from behavioural therapist, Ummehani Rehmani

Self-care is all about taking the time to do things that help improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It consists of taking a break, putting a pause on routinely tasks and indulging in activities you love and enjoy. They don’t have to come at a cost. Even the littlest of things can be refreshing!

We also acknowledge self-care can look different for each person, taking family dynamics, individual differences and health under consideration. What may work for one may not for another. So do what works best for you! There is a lot of stigma around self-care being selfishness. We respectfully disagree. It’s important to remember that by taking care of ourselves we are more able to help others.

Make the most of this late-summer season, do something that makes you happy! Let’s give ourselves a break.

click here for more about Ummehani.

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